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Jumat, 01 Juni 2018

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What is a NACLC? - YouTube
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National Agency Check with Local Agent and Credit Check ( NACLC ) is the type of background check required in the United States for the grant of security clearance.

According to the United States Personnel Management Office, Federal Investigative Notice, Executive Order Number 12968, signed by President Clinton in 1995, outlines NACLC as follows:

NACLC will be used as a preliminary investigation for contractors at Secret, Secret and L access levels. It will also be used as a reinvestigation product for contractors and Federal employees at the same access level.

These new products include:

Examination of National Base Agency (Security/Investigation of Conformity Index, Central Defense Investigation Index, fingerprint classification, and search of investigative index of the Federal Bureau of Investigation).

The search for credits includes all residential, work, and educational locations for the past 7 years.

Legal examinations cover all residential, employment and educational locations over the last 5 years and for all recognized fishing sites. If a 35 day service is requested, all legal checks will be scheduled by Recording Search. If a 75 day service is requested, a legal check will be scheduled by a combination of inquiry and record coverage.

See Single Scenario Background Investigations for more information.

Video National Agency Check with Local Agency Check and Credit Check


Source of the article : Wikipedia
