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Pilot licenses in Canada are managed by Transport Canada under the Canadian Aeronautics and Aviation Rules Act (CAR).

In addition to flying kites or paragliders, one may only operate aircraft registered in Canada or act as a crew member in Canada under license or permission issued by Transport Canada.

At the end of 2008 there were 64,932 licenses and Canadian licenses owned, giving Canada the second largest population of licensed pilots in the world.

The first private Canadian pilot license was issued to James Stanley Scott on January 24, 1920, and the first Canadian transport license was issued to Douglas G. Joy on April 1, 1939.

Video Pilot licensing in Canada


Licenses are issued by Transport Canada in accordance with the International Civil Aviation Organization's (ICAO) Recommended Standards and Practices (SARPs). Licenses may be used for domestic and international flights, while permits do not conform to ICAO standards and hence may only be used in Canada, unless accepted by other countries. In April 1920, Canada's first commercial pilot license was issued to Roland Groome.

A pilot with a license from abroad which is an ICAO contract country may apply to Transport Canada for validation of their foreign license. This allows them to fly Canada-registered aircraft in Canada. Foreign licenses may be used to fly aircraft registered in the same state as licensed in Canada.

The term license in Canada is equivalent to a term certificate in the United States. The term licenses are also used in the UK. Under ICAO they are all legally equal.

The most common type of Canadian license is the private pilot - airplane license , which is used to fly light aircraft privately and privately. By the end of 2008 there were 27,138 aircraft and 596 private helicopter pilot licenses applicable in Canada. The rarest license or permit in Canada is a gyroplane pilot's license, with only 29 applicable at the end of 2008.


Each license and license have one or more ratings. Ratings are Canada Transportation support that grants additional privileges. For example, the night rank allows pilots to fly at night.

Each aircraft model requires different knowledge and skills to fly. For example, a design and operation of a single common machine aircraft is essentially different from gyroplane. Type rank allows the pilot to fly a particular airplane model. CAR uses the term type instead of model .

Some planes are covered by the blanket blanket type that applies to the aircraft type grouping. For example, the airplanes blanket type rating includes all non-high performance, single-engine aircraft that have a minimum flight requirement of one pilot. Examples of this type of aircraft are Cessna 172 and Piper Cherokee. This is considered to be quite similar so that a certain rank is not required for each type.

Other aircraft types are only covered by individual type ratings applicable to a particular aircraft model. For example, all helicopters differ significantly that each requires an individual type rating. Someone with a private pilot-helicopter license with a rating for the Bell 407 helicopter might just fly that type of helicopter. The privileges and special requirements for each rank are detailed in the CAR.

In addition to the aircraft type rankings there are ratings that allow flying instruments, night flies, over-the-top VFRs, ultra-light carrying passengers and other pilot rights.

Maps Pilot licensing in Canada

Permissions and licenses

Student pilot permissions

Before receiving permission, a student pilot can only practice double instruction with an instructor. By permission, a student pilot can fly alone under the supervision of a flight instructor and for flight training purposes only. Only domestic days flying under visual flight rules (VFR) are allowed under this license and no passengers can be taken.

Student pilot permits are required for each aircraft category trained by a person and available for the following aircraft categories:

  • Airplane
  • Balloons
  • Glider
  • Gyroplane
  • Helicopters
  • Ultra-light aircraft

To obtain a student pilot's permit, a student must sit down and pass the PSTAR exam.

Gyroplane pilot permissions

The gyroplane pilot permit allows the holder to fly the gyroplane. Until it is approved with other ratings, only domestic flights days under VFR are allowed under this permission.

The gyroplane pilot permit is supported by a blanket type rating for all single seat seats. There is no blanket type rating for two-seat gyroplanes and a type rating is required for each specific two-seat gyroplane model.

Ultra-light pilot permissions

The ultra-light pilot permit allows the holder to fly an ultra-light aircraft according to the VFR day. Passengers should not be taken without passengers carrying support.

The ultra-light pilot permit is supported by a blanket type rating for all ultra-light aircraft models. Transport Canada defines two general categories of ultra-light aircraft. Operation and flight rules for basic ultra-light aircraft (BULA) do not allow passengers to carry. Advanced ultra-light aircraft (AULA) have tighter design requirements and include passengers carrying if pilots have ultra-light pilot passes authorized by passenger-carrying aircraft - ultra-light aircraft. The license holder can also fly certified or homebuilt aircraft that meet the requirements of ultra-light weight and kiosk stages.

Aircraft in addition to aircraft are also included in the ultra-light general classification, particularly electrically powered parachutes and tough parallaks. In such cases, ultra-light pilot permissions are limited to the type used by students for training and qualifications.

Ultra-light aircraft are often equipped with buoys, amphibious buoys or designed as seaplanes; however, no seaplane ratings for ultra-light pilot licenses. Each ultra-light pilot can operate on water within the CAR regulations and capabilities of the ultra-light aircraft used.

Permission pilot recreation - airplane

Flight-recreation pilots are designed to make aviation more affordable. It has fewer requirements with respect to training and provides more limited rights than private pilot - aircraft licenses.

This permission allows one to fly as an aircraft pilot. Either the ratings of aircraft or aircraft of an aircraft class are included, depending on the type of aircraft used in training for this permit and the appropriate rating issued with the aircraft-recreation pilot's consent. This permit may be supported by the value of the amphibious or landplane class. Only domestic days are flying in one machine, non-high performance aircraft under VFR are allowed. This permit is limited to single-engine aircraft designed for up to four people, but only with one passenger.

A pilot with this permission can also act as an ultra-light aircraft pilot.

Permission pilot recreation - helicopter

Permission recreation pilots - helicopters are meant to make flying more accessible. It has fewer requirements with respect to training and will be given a more limited right than a private pilot-helicopter license.

Due to concerns in Canadian Transport about the safety of the 25-hour clearance to fly helicopters, the standard for setting this permit was never institutionalized and permits are therefore currently unavailable. Transport Canada indicates a desire to cancel this license from CAR.

Pilot glider license

The pilot license glider allows the holder to fly as a pilot glider, under VFR days.

The glider pilot license is authorized, in the flight record of the student, by the flight examiner or flight instructor for the type of launch method used during the training. This license applies only to launch methods that have been supported by pilot gliders.

Once the glider pilot completes a minimum of three solo flights using certain launch methods, they can carry passengers, but only for the launch method they have approved and have completed three solo flights.

Balloon pilot license

The balloon pilot license allows the holder to act as a pilot co-pilot balloon. Only days flying under the VFR is allowed, unless the night rating is added.

The balloon pilot license is authorized, in the flight record of the student, by the flight examiner or flight instructor for the type of inflation method employed during the training.

After the balloon pilot completes a minimum of 3 take-offs, accumulation of at least 50 hours of flight time in unpublished balloons and total 300-hour balloon time, the license can then be further supported for take-off in the built-up area.

Private pilot license - airplane

Personal pilot licenses - aircraft allow the holder to fly as a pilot or co-pilot aircraft. It is the most commonly licensed license in Canada and is the first license to be earned by an aspiring professional pilot. Typically, a class rating of ground planes is included in training for this license and this rating is issued under a private pilot - aircraft license. Only days flying from non-high performance single-engined aircraft in accordance with VFR is allowed, unless other ratings have been obtained.

A pilot with this license can not work for "recruiting or rewarding", although reimbursement for some expenses such as fuel is permitted.

A pilot with this license can also act as an ultra-light aircraft pilot.

The following levels can be added:

  • Flight of the amphibious plane
  • Multi-engine rating
  • Stage multi-line thrust thrust
  • Night Rating
  • VFR-Over-the-Top rating
  • Instrument rating
  • Personal pilot license - helicopter

    Private pilot license - helicopter license allows the holder to fly as a pilot or co-pilot helicopter. Only days flying under VFR are allowed until another rating is added.

    There is no blanket type rating for helicopter type aircraft and a type rating must be obtained for each type of helicopter. The helicopter type rating for a particular helicopter used during the training is issued under a private pilot-helicopter license.

    A pilot with this license can not work for hire, although reimbursement for some fees is allowed.

    The following support can be added:

    • Individual type rating for each helicopter model
    • Night rating
    • VFR-Over-the-Top rating
    • Instrument rating

    Commercial pilot license - airplane

    The commercial pilot license - aircraft license allows the holder to fly professionally as a pilot of a single pilot aircraft, or as a co-pilot on a multi-crew aircraft.

    The commercial - aircraft pilot license includes more advanced piloting knowledge, skills and experience than private - aircraft pilot licenses. Private pilot license - aircraft is a prerequisite for obtaining a commercial pilot license - an airplane. Commercial pilot licenses - airplanes are a prerequisite for obtaining a pilot air transport license - aircraft or flight instructor class - aircraft rankings. Privileges of ultra-light pilot licenses, private pilot licenses - aircraft, and VFR-Over-the-Top ratings and night flights are included in this license.

    The following support can be added:

    • Landplane rating
    • Rank amphibious plane
    • Multi-engine ranking
    • Multi-machine thrustline ranking
    • Instrument rating
    • Rank of second officer
    • Flight instructor rank

    Commercial pilot license - helicopter

    The commercial pilot license - helicopter license allows the holder to fly professionally as a single helicopter pilot pilot or as a multi-crew helicopter helicopter.

    Commercial pilot licenses - helicopters involve more sophisticated knowledge, skills, and piloting experience than private-helicopter pilot licenses. Private pilot licenses - helicopters are not a prerequisite for obtaining a commercial pilot-helicopter license; however, the requirements for knowledge and experience are greater. The commercial pilot license - helicopter is a prerequisite for obtaining an air transport pilot license - helicopter or flight instructor class - helicopter ratings. Privileges of private pilot licenses - helicopters are included in this license.

    Commercial pilot licenses - helicopters are limited during the day unless backed up for night flying. The CAR provides a number of significant options for credit in terms of knowledge and experience for pilots with prior experience flying with other licenses and licenses.

    The following support can be added:

    • Night
    • Instrument rating
    • Flight instructor rank

    Aircraft carrier pilot license

    The airline's airline pilot license - the aircraft allows the holder to fly professionally as a pilot or co-pilot of a single pilot or multi-crew plane. This license is required to become a professional airline captain.

    Aircraft carrier pilot licenses involve more advanced piloting knowledge, skills and experience than commercial-pilot aircraft licenses. Commercial pilot licenses - aircraft, multi-engine ratings and ratings of Group 1 instruments are a prerequisite for aircraft-aircraft pilot licenses. Privileges of ultra-light pilot permits, private pilot-plane licenses and commercial-plane pilot licenses are included.

    The following support can be added:

    • The second officer rank
    • Flight instructor rank

    License pilot transport airline - helicopter

    License of airline transport pilots - helicopters allow pilots to fly professionally as pilots or co-pilot single or multi-crew pilot helicopters.

    Air freight pilot's license - helicopter involves advanced knowledge, expertise and piloting experience than a commercial pilot-helicopter license. The commercial pilot license - helicopter is a prerequisite for the license of airline pilots - helicopters. Privileges of private pilot licenses - helicopters and commercial pilot licenses - helicopters included.

    License of airline transport pilots - helicopters are restricted to air jobs only if night and instrument flight time requirements are not met. This means that licenses are restricted to commercial flights that do not include air transport (commercial passenger transport) or flight training.

    The following support can be added:

    • Flight instructor rank

    License aviation engineer

    Several airlines were flown by third crew members in addition to pilots and co-pilots, a flight engineer. The aviation engineer is responsible for monitoring the in-flight aircraft system and for inspecting aircraft before and after each flight. Boeing 747-300 is an example of an aircraft that employs an aviation engineer. Recent aircraft from manufacturers such as Boeing and Airbus are designed for two pilot crew with flight management functions that were previously the responsibility of an aviation engineer now handled by automation. Many older airplanes require flight engineers.

    The licensed aviation engineer allows the holder to become an aircraft flight engineer. Generally, this will be on a large transport plane. Being a pilot is not a prerequisite for obtaining a flight engineer's license, although many aviation engineers hold commercial pilot licenses - aircraft or airline pilot licenses.

    There is no empty aircraft type rating associated with the license of the flight engineer. Licenses must be supported by individual type assessments for each aircraft type. When issuing a flight engineer ranking for the type of aircraft used by a person for training is issued.

    The following support can be added:

    • Flight engineer rating

    What is the Airline Transport Pilot Licence? > Pilot Training ...
    src: harvsair.com


    Aircraft class rating

    The aircraft class rating is specific to fixed wing aircraft. This includes:

    • Flight of the amphibious plane
    • Landplane rating
    • Multi-engine rating
    • Stage multi-line thrust thrust

    Flight type rating

    Aircraft licenses may be supported by individual aircraft types or with blanket ratings for groups of aircraft, such as "All aircraft with a minimum flight requirement of one pilot excluding high performance".

    Other types of blanket ratings available for each license or permit include:

    • Glider
    • Balloons
    • Ultra-light aircraft
    • Gyroplanes

    Individual aircraft type ratings required for each license or permit include:

    • Each aircraft with air crew requirements is at least two pilots
    • Each aircraft with a minimum flight requirement of at least two pilots using a cruise shipping pilot
    • Each type of High-performing Aircraft to be supported on pilot license - aircraft category
    • Each type of aircraft will be supported on the aviation engineer's license
    • Each type of aircraft will be supported on the second officer rating
    • Each type of aircraft will be supported on a license with no blanket type rating issued
    • Any type of helicopter
    • Any type of electrically driven balloon or aircraft
    • Any type of gyroplane other than one seat gyroplanes
    • Restricted Licenses - Individual plane type ratings for certain medically restricted licenses

    Night rating

    The night rank allows the pilot to fly in the VMC and navigate the visual reference to the ground, at night. This differs from the meteorological conditions of the instrument (IMC) in which the pilot flies and maintains strictly situational awareness using instruments and avionics.

    Night ratings are only available for the following licenses and licenses:

    • Gyroplane pilot permissions
    • Pilot balloon license
    • Private pilot license - airplane
    • Private pilot license - helicopter

    For commercial and airline pilot licenses (aircraft) it is expected that the nightly rating will be accepted. Otherwise, restricted licenses may be issued only for the day of flight only.

    VFR-Over-the-Top rating

    VFR-Over-the-Top rating (VFR OTT) allows holders to fly above and among clouds, without visual references to the ground under visual flight rules during daylight hours. The pilots were required to take off of the aerodrome at normal VMC and VFR and landed at the destination aerodrome under VFR. Flight cruises between them can be flown under the OTFR VFR flight rules.

    This rating is an advanced step between a privileged trial allowing only to fly VFR and instrument ratings. This rating is included in the privileges of an instrument rating, as well as a Commercial License.

    OTT VFR rating is available for the following licenses:

    • Private pilots - airplanes
    • Private pilots - helicopters
    • Commercial pilots - helicopters
    • Airline pilot - helicopter

    Instrument value

    The rating of the instrument allows the pilot to fly under instrument meteorological conditions (IMC), for example when the cloud layer obscures the pilot's view of the ground. Instrumental pilots can fly and maintain strictly situational awareness using instruments and avionics. This rating is one of the more complex ranks and is a major step towards obtaining more sophisticated licenses such as air transport - airplane pilot licenses. This can be added to any aircraft or helicopter license and is a requirement for the Airline Transport Pilot License issue - Aircraft.

    Ranking is only possible for aircraft in supported groups. Instrument ratings are often combined with other ratings to form a series of trial privileges. For example, a multi-engine rating is required in addition to the instrument's value for flying a twin-engine aircraft under instrument flight rules.

    VFR-Over-the-Top privileges are included in the instrument rating.

    The requirement for instrument ratings is the same for private pilot licenses - airplanes and private-helicopter pilot licenses. Helicopters certified for IFR operations are generally complex multi-crew and multi-engine aircraft, so the rating of helicopter instruments is generally issued along with other ratings.

    Transport Canada issued different instrument ratings for each of the four aircraft type groups that depended on the nature of training for instrument ratings and associated flight testing.

    • Group 1 for multi-machine plane
    • Group 2 for the multi-machine centerline thrusters
    • Group 3 for single-engine plane
    • Group 4 for helicopters

    Second officer rank

    The second officer's rank can be added to a professional aircraft license to allow the holder to act as a second officer on a multi-crew plane. By itself the rating does not provide pilot privileges.

    The second officer rank is only available for the following licenses:

    • Commercial pilot license - airplane
    • Air transport pilot license - airplane

    Passenger carries - ultra-light plane rating

    Canadian transportation defines two general types of ultra-light aircraft, basic ultra-light planes are not allowed to carry passengers, while sophisticated ultra-light aircraft are allowed to carry one passenger, if the pilot has an ultra-light pilot license authorized with this rating.

    Passenger plane rating - ultra-light only applies to ultra-light pilot permits. Pilots with leisure pilot licenses - aircrafts and higher aircraft licenses are allowed to carry passengers on aircraft that are allowed to carry passengers.

    Aerobatic rating

    There are no aerobatic ratings for aerobatic pilots in Canada, although there are ratings for instructors to teach aerobatic students on airplanes and gliders.

    Flight instructor rank

    The following flight instructor rankings are available to add to a valid license or permit:

    • Rank of aircraft instructor - Class 1, 2, 3, or 4
    • Rank of aircraft aerobatic instructor - Class 1 or 2
    • Rank of helicopter instructor - Class 1, 2, 3, or 4
    • Rank of the Gyroplane instructor
    • The glider instructor rank
    • Rank of aerobatic glider instructor
    • Rank of balloon instructor
    • Light plane instructor rank

    FCC: your Radio Licence FAA « cockpitseeker
    src: www.cockpitseeker.com

    Foreign license conversion

    Since December 1, 2006, a Canadian pilot with a particular pilot license can convert the license to an FAA Certificate more easily than in the past. Similarly, an American pilot holding a particular pilot certificate can convert the certificate into a Canadian license.

    Recreational Pilot Permit > Pilot Training: Harv's Air Flight Training
    src: harvsair.com

    See also

    • Trial license in the United Kingdom
    • Trial certification in the United States
    • Pilot license and certification

    Canada's first female commercial pilot retires | The Star
    src: www.thestar.com


    Drone Law Journal | Current United States Federal Drone Law
    src: dronelawjournal.com

    External links

    • International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
    • Canadian Flight Rules - Individual Licensing and Training
    • Canada Vehicle Licensing Relevant FAQ
    • Civil Aviation Transport Canada

    Source of the article : Wikipedia
